Jeremy Lee
Jeremy Lee, a visionary and creative powerhouse in the world of 3D animation, possesses an impressive 17-year track record marked by relentless innovation and artistic brilliance. Specializing in quality animation and visual effects supervision, Jeremy has honed the unique ability to bridge the gap between creativity and client needs, ensuring a seamless alignment of visions and expectations. With a core belief that "Empowering Lives Globally: Content as a Mighty Weapon," Jeremy's mission transcends mere entertainment. His vision radiates a commitment to redefine content through creativity, connection, and impeccable visual craftsmanship. Jeremy's work is not merely about dazzling the eyes, but about touching hearts and inspiring minds across the globe. In the commercial arena, Jeremy's directing prowess has brought to life countless animated advertisements for an illustrious clientele that includes international and local brands such as LEGO, Mister Potato, Hotlink, Nestle, and many more. His creative acumen ensures that each project becomes an engaging piece of art that resonates with its audience. Jeremy's talents extend beyond commercial work. He is the mastermind behind the in-house IP Development, serving as creator, writer, and Director for the RAWR ’n’ ROLL cartoon series. This beloved show currently charms audiences in the China Region and on Durioo+ Malaysia, a testament to Jeremy's international appeal and versatility. His latest 3D animated short film, “The Muralz,” produced by Rawr Pictures, showcases Jeremy's ability to blend storytelling and visual artistry in an inspiring package. But it's more than just his passion for the animation industry that drives him. Jeremy's core values – Ambition, Innovation, Diligence, and Integrity (A.I.D.I) – form the pillars upon which his creations stand. Jeremy Lee is more than an animator; he's a visionary, a creator, and a communicator, building worlds that inspire and challenge the status quo. His work is a testament to what can be achieved with a fusion of talent, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. In the ever-evolving realm of animation, Jeremy Lee is not just a name but a force to be reckoned with.