Jule Korperich
Jule Körperich *1975 in Hamburg studied Fine Arts at University of the Arts in Bremen. Since then she is working as an animator. Her passion is designing - and tinkering with - small narrative cosms in which she brings her characters to life with great attention to detail. Jule Körperich has been involved in group exhibitions among others at the Museum Weserburg, the Kulturkirche St. Stephani and the Überseemuseum Bremen. Her films have been shown at numerous festivals, including Los Angeles, Atlanta, Shenzhen, London, Vienna, Ghent, Helsinki, Seoul, Athens, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dresden, Münster, Cologne and Bremen. Her film „The way to a man’s heart" has won several awards for Best Animation. filmography: 2024 Fotorevolte, animation 5:48 min, 2022 The Case Evita (Der Fall Emersleben), documentary 6:31 min, 2021 AUSZIEHN!, puppet animation, 1:54 min, 2021 The way to a man’s heart (Ein Haufen Glück), puppet animation, 10:27 min, 2021 German Quality, puppet animation, 10 sek, 2016 „1917 der wahre Oktober“, director: Katrin Rothe, animated documentary 90 min, 2015 Cohabit (2015) puppet animation, experimental, 3:51 min, 2014 Madame Nimm, movings objects, 4:53 min, 2013 Shadow ghosts (Schattengeister), puppet animation, 3:21 min, 2012 Empiano Papandreou, clay animation, 2:33 min, 2012 Mad in Egypt, installation, 58:18 min, 2011 Plan B für Block A, cut-out-animation, 2:55 min, 2010 ACAB, puppet animation, 7:49 min