Brendan Gabriel Murphy
For more than a decade, Melissa has been developing and producing and starring in motion pictures and television. Her particular expertise is to create narrative stories around non-fiction subjects. Truth is stranger than fiction. Currently, Melissa is the Creative CEO for Hathor Studios. Hathor Studios specializes in Films, TV shows, that help form a new narrative. Hathor Studios covers topics such as meditation, human potential, aliens, sci fi and ancient civilizations and much more. Formally, she served as Head of Content and Development for GAIA.
She has produced transformation content with some of the biggest names in that space. She has produced and written TV shows for several major networks. A few examples of shows she has written and produced are Chelsea Does, Escaping the prophet, Ancient Aliens, The Universe and Hangar One. In the past she dabbled in Film, served as assistant to the President of Production at Paramount Studios, assigned to such features as Star Trek, Cloverfield and Mission Impossible 2. Most recently, Melissa has produced behind the scenes mini docs for features films such as Standoff with Samuel L. Jackson. She is well versed in all facets of the industry from pre-production to post. In addition to her production work she also writes graphic novels, screenplays and has become a consultant for new film makers in the investigative space.
Melissa also is an investigative journalists on tv, she hosts UFO witness, Alien Endgame and The visitors all on Discovery +
Along with her co-hosts she hosts a weekly podcast called Cosmic Cantina where three sci-fi writers dive into the wormhole of alternative thinking.