Animation, Comedy, Drama
Runtime, min
Selections and Awards:
Windows is an absolutely delightful animated comedy drama that is bound to leave you with a huge smile on your face. The film follows the story of a shy and serious boy who is forced to live next door to his polar opposite - a boy with explosive energy and a larger-than-life personality. The animation is top-notch, the voice acting is superb, and the story is heartwarming and hilarious all at once. Windows is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good laugh and a feel-good movie.
Ava Wright
Windows is a heartwarming comedy-drama animation that explores the dynamics between two polar opposite boys who are forced to live together. The film's strong point is its beautifully rendered animation, which vividly brings to life the story's emotional highs and lows. However, the plot and character development lack depth, and the film relies heavily on tired clichés and predictable plot twists. Overall, Windows is an enjoyable but forgettable film that will entertain younger audiences but fails to leave a lasting impact.
Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez